Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Carbon reduction is typically driven by legislation either from central government or by Local Authority when considering construction projects. Clients and organisations generally view carbon reduction as a necessary evil, another tax to be paid. Synergy have the skills, expertise and wealth of experience to independently evaluate carbon reduction and advise whether it makes commercial sense on each project. Clients can of course embrace the values associated with saving energy and the positive messages that this conveys and gain benefits beyond simple payback commercial calculations. Both stick & carrot are in use. Synergy are perfectly placed to demystify the whole carbon reduction agenda and provide real advice enabling clients to make informed decisions.
Our experience
Our team of engineering and sustainability experts work on projects to independently evaluate and if incorporation is right they then reduce the carbon footprint, cut energy costs both during construction and in building operation and gain a strategic competitive advantage.
We have worked with many large and medium sized businesses, from those just starting their low carbon journey to those who are leading the field in terms of construction, supply-chain and business model innovation.
How we can help
We provide a comprehensive service tailored to your company’s business needs. Our engineers look at the energy related carbon impact of an individual project or your entire business. We also identify the broader business opportunities from the move to a low carbon economy.
Examples of the support we can offer your organisation include:
- Individual project energy efficiency assessment
- Individual project renewable energy assessment
- Product innovation
- Cost Benefit Appraisal
- Energy measurement and management We will identify where efficiencies can be made and how your business can take advantage of low carbon opportunities