Bringing buildings to life with reduced environmental impact
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Sustainable Design – BREEAM


Successful development can only be achieved if it minimises adverse effects on the natural environment, complies with the principles of sustainability, and provides a balance between cost and value.

Our design philosophy is centred on sustainable low energy buildings, from inception to completion and beyond. Every opportunity is taken to deliver creative solutions to developers, which provide economic, social and environmental benefits.

With buildings responsible for over 40% of all energy consumption, sustainable design is now top of the regulatory and corporate agenda.  We therefore ensure that particular care is taken in the specifying ‘fit for purpose’ building services systems which can help drive down energy use and costs, and which provide healthy internal environments.

Designing in adaptability is equally important in delivering sustainability, the most sustainable feature of any building is that it enjoys a long and useful life.

With the advent of standards such as the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM, increasing reliance has been placed upon the use of technology to meet the assessment criteria.

As a practice, Synergy is committed to achieving a high standard of environmental awareness at all levels within the company by encouraging staff to:-

•   Prevent pollution and protect and enhance the natural environment wherever possible;

•   Encourage the sustainable use of natural resources;

•   Reduce waste generation through re-use and recycling wherever practicable

•   Adopt energy, water and resource efficiency and conservation measures;

•   Promote awareness of environmental issues amongst clients and other interested parties;

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Please contact us for further details.
